it’s completely pitch black but i could see my hands clearly, and then at one point i was watching myself be die by pushing my best friend out of the way of a gunshot and that same best friend holding my body and completey shutting down and sobbing uncontrollably, i tried to push them off but nothing was working and i thought i had turned into a ghost, and then fast forward they were still mourning after what looked like years had gone by, because in my deeam they had their master diploma on the wall but haven’t left their home since
This dream appears to symbolize themes of sacrifice, loss, and the fear of being forgotten. It may reflect feelings of deep love and loyalty towards your best friend, as you willingly put yourself in harm's way to protect them. The darkness in this dream could represent uncertainty or a sense of being disconnected from the world around you.
The image of your friend mourning and shutting down emotionally suggests the immense grief and devastation they would feel if they lost you. Trying to push them off but feeling like a ghost could symbolize the frustration and powerlessness you might experience in trying to console or comfort them from beyond the grave. This aspect of the dream may also highlight fears of being unable to reach out or have an impact on those you care about after death.
The reference to your friend's master diploma and their isolation from the outside world might indicate that they have become stagnant in their lives due to the loss, unable to move forward and trapped in a cycle of mourning. This signifies the fear of being forgotten or left behind, as you witness them being unable to move on from the grief of losing you.
Overall, this dream may speak to the complex emotions surrounding sacrifice, the fear of loss, and the desire for lasting impact or remembrance. It may be helpful to reflect on these symbolic elements and explore any underlying emotions or concerns present in your waking life that may be influencing this dream.